
poetry by j matthew waters

Forever in a Day

Fast asleep by midmorning
I dream of never waking
of sailing past an open sea

My shell is like a water vessel
blending into the horizon
melting into a fiery sun

Transforming into nature
I stay awake forever
casting hope into a dark night

april two thousand twelve
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

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10 thoughts on “Forever in a Day

  1. cyberbonn on said:


  2. “I dream of never waking”, wow!

  3. Oh, this one is amazing! As a sea lover , I have always found the ocean to be a great metaphor for the flow of life. I also would love to stay forever in this poem. Thanks so much!

  4. A beauty of words to read. I enjoyed this poem so much, thank you for sharing your prose with the world.

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