
poetry by j matthew waters

Preacher’s Daughter

The lights on the other side
of the city come in many
shades of gray
or so he told his daughter
driving in from the country

Over time she realized
the colors changed
with the seasons
one day telling her Daddy
she was smarter than boys

When she packed her bags
and waved goodbye
from the moving train
he just smiled knowing
she’d finished her homework

june two thousand twelve
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

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6 thoughts on “Preacher’s Daughter

  1. “He just smiled knowing
    she’d finished her homework.”

    I smiled at that line, too. Great work, John!

  2. cyberbonn on said:

    this is so good…your pithy pieces always full of depth

  3. As I read the words, I could see the events unfolding in my mind’s eye. Lovely … Such depth written so plainly and yet, so vivid.

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