
poetry by j matthew waters

artistic revolutions

time zones and seasonal patterns
have forced my hand to reassess my
opinion of life as we know it

images in my mind continually evolve
from tulip to azalea to lemon tree

those hummingbirds feasting on
oswego tea blossoms were once
damselflies during the dinosaur days

moon chases sun like dog after tail
eventually tiring into submission

clashes in the past reconstruct the future
stirring and remixing and reimagining
painting skies like never before seen

april two thousand eighteen
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

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11 thoughts on “artistic revolutions

  1. Simply beautiful ! A vibrant fragrant walk amongst earth’s beauty

  2. This piece really flows 🙂

  3. Lovely! Vivid descriptions make the scene alive. Beautiful… hummingbirds at the Oswego tea…. I totally enjoyed reading this piece!

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