
poetry by j matthew waters

Archive for the tag “healing”

anything less than a miracle

I used to think I was broken
until I came to understand
the power of healing

I used to think unconditional love
was an intangible theory
until I stumbled upon
the power of healing

I used to think our time on earth
no matter the duration
served no specific proposition
not until explicitly accepting
the power of healing

march two thousand nineteen
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

The great virtue of compassion

I returned to earth as an underfed
infant in a remote village
where nurses are plenty
and painted-face doctors
routinely perform miracles

Years later my dying mother
begged me in a language
I barely understood
to escape the poverty this
barren land provided and
seek refuge in the golden city

As I traveled by foot from
desert town to desert town
visions of previous lives
entered my waking dreams
detailing how I had traveled
this road centuries ago
comforting all who hungered
by first feeding their minds

may two thousand fourteen
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

restoration project

they fell from the sky
these transparent wings of mine
tattered and torn
and superfluously useful

night and day I stitched away
new leather onto old
rubbing and shining and redefining
a finer shade of gold

I hung them all alone inside
an unlit closet
wherein they stretched and glowed
and quietly repaired
imperfections I could not mend

january two thousand fourteen
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

the healer

put a band-aid on it
she said

and walk it off
it’ll be all right

those words stayed
with me
for countless years

whenever I happen upon
someone injured
whether they be a child
or a woman
or an old man
I see her transitioning
from a healer who couldn’t save herself
to a guardian angel on steroids

april two thousand thirteen
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

scrying pool

no sooner did he dream
of the shallow pond
it became real
outside his back door

he filled it with koi
lilies and bog plants
laboring with love
on hands and knees

as in the dream
he sprinkled the surface
with crushed meteorite
and butterfly wings

word soon spread
of the man with a gift
who gave visions
to strangers
in need of healing

december two thousand twelve
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

return flight

she found me weeping
on the river rock
my breathing shallow
my vision focusing
on distant memories
of an endless sky

i had no recollection
of the terrible beating
my body had taken
had barely remembered
how she lifted me up
and carried me away

she used her gifts
to mend my lonely heart
and tattered wings
restoring my will
to take to the sky
and find my way home

november two thousand twelve
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved


what heart is broken
seeks out to find
a remedy certain
to forget past times

how sad the memory
painful to the heart
broken yet breathing
forever on guard

time is of essence
nothing stands still
a heart once broken
desires to rebuild

october two thousand twelve
copyright j matthew waters
all rights reserved

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